Security, Authentication and Authorization#

Security in Kafka#

SSL and SASL authentication is supported between Clients (Producers and Consumers) and Brokers, between Brokers, and between Brokers and Tools. Different SASL methods are available (GSSAPI, PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-(256/512), OAUTHBEARER with JWT). Authentication and authorization is supported, but is disabled by default. Creating a SSL key can be performed using the Java keytool utility, or similarly in other languages.

Configuring TSL encryption#

Using TLS encryption will allow encryption of traffic between clients and Kafka – as a method to defend against attacks (man-in-the-middle). This will require certificate authority and certificate files for the Kafka Brokers, which can be configured like this in


ssl.keystore.password=<keystore password>
ssl.key.password=<broker key password>
ssl.truststore.password=<trust store password>
ssl.client.auth=none // Client auth off

For the producer and consumer, settings related to SSL can be placed in a file and passed as a console argument when running the consumer/producer:

kafka-console-consumer [args] --consumer.config

Client authentication#

In the TLS/SSL configuration above, client authentication was turned off. To handle client authentication, we can use client certificates or other approaches. With client certificates, we will need to change the ssl.client.auth field in to:


Authentication with Mutual TLS#

For additional security we may perform authentication with mutual TLS with client certificates. This involves:

  • Generating a client certificate

  • Sign in with Certificate Authority

  • Enable SSL client authentication

  • Configure a client to use the client certificate

To the ssl.client.auth add the following fields:

ssl.keystore.password=<client keystore pass>
ssl.key.password=<client key pass>

ACL authorization#

Authorization is controlled by access control lists (ACL) in Kafka, consisting of the following components:

  • Principal – the user

  • Allow/Deny

  • Operation – actions the user can perform

  • Host – IP address(es) of hosts connecting to the cluster

  • Resource Pattern – matching one or more resources (topics, partitions, brokers, ect. )

To enable ACL auth, use the following template of
super.users=User:admin // TYPE:NAME
ssl.principal.mapping.rules=RULE:^CN=(.*?),OU=.*$/$1/,DEFAULT // Parses username from client certificate

Creating an ACL#

Authorization can be managed using the kafka-acls command line tool. To configure authorization with specified principal allowed to perform action:

kafka-acls --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181 --add --allow-principal User:[USERNAME] --operation all --topic [TOPIC_NAME]

The operation --operatiomn all gives full access.