Kafka configuration#
Broker configuration#
Modifying broker configuration can be performed by editing server.properties
or by using kafka-configs
Some values can be edited dynamically (without a broker restarting), while others require broker restart:
: Configs requiring restartper-broker
: Can be dynamically updated for individual brokerscluster-wide
: Can be updated individually OR cluster-wide dynamically
To list existing configuration values for a broker (1) run:
kafka-configs --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --entity-type brokers --entity-name 1 --describe
We can modify this configuration by passing the --alter
kafka-configs --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --entity-type brokers --entity-name 1 --alter --add-config log.cleaner.threads=2
Topic configuration#
Configurations can also be specified for topics when creating a topic with kafka-topics
kafka-topics .... --config max.message.bytes=64000
Similarly, these topics can be altered by using --entity-type topics
with kafka-configs
kafka-configs --zookeeper localhost:2181 --entity-type topics --entity-name configured-topic --alter
--add-config max.message.bytes=65000
Furthermore, a broker-wide default topic configuration may be applied using `kafka-configs:
kafka-configs --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --entity-type brokers --entity-name 1 --alter --addconfig message.max.bytes=66000
Client configuration#
Clients can be configured programmatically in Java using a Properties
import java.util.Properties;
Properties props = new Properties();
Producer<String, String> producer = new KafkaProducer<>(props);
Things to consider when configuring Topics#
When designing topics, consider the following:
How many brokers are available? (limits number of replicas)
What is the need for fault tolerance (through replication factor)
How many consumers per consumer group (determines number of partitions)
How much memory is available (brokers have default 1 MB per partition)